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Register, it only takes a few seconds and an email address to access your personal area, there you will find content, news, live events and opportunities for your path.

At any time you can get in touch with the Apical team to tell them about your goals and personalize your experience in the community

To know

Join the community to meet people who have the same mission as you.

We hold many events, webinars and meetups to hear stories, discuss projects and give valuable content. You can discover like-minded people on your path with whom you can share the road, and you can learn from the stories of others who have faced the same problems and challenges as you

To grow

Enter to access opportunities that can make a difference

Access complete and up-to-date information on our concrete support proposals and find out if there is something suitable for your path. We have training, pathways for startup projects, the Create with Apical program, and much more. Within your account you can chat with our team

To make beautiful things

Become an Apical Creator, bring your ideas and take action with us

By becoming an Apical Creator you can take part in our projects as a lecturer, designer, ambassador or experience designer, and you can bring your ideas to make new projects together. Being an Apical Creator means having a leading role in the community, anyone can apply

Want to be part of the Community?
Here's how it works!


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Click the button, enter your email, agree to privacy, and you're in.



Attend events, browse our archive, read interviews and learn about opportunities


Tell us about your journey

Whenever you want contact our team to customize your community experience

Register your free account

Our Mission.

Scopri Happiness is a movement: il Manifesto di Apical Movement

Doing Social Innovation means caring for the planet through your work and skills.

But it only works if we all do it ! How about you?

Leggi il manifesto completo!

Read the Apical Movement Manifesto


Happiness is a movement

Siamo al fianco di chi cerca lavoro, vuole cambiarlo o desidera creare e far crescere un’organizzazione impegnata in una di queste sfide:

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Responsible and Regenerative Tourism

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Cultural Innovation and the Performing Arts.

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Sport as a form of social inclusion

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Planning for the regeneration of territories

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Media e Divulgazione scientifica

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Organizzazioni trasformative