Pilot Program 13, candidature aperte

Scopri il programma, candida la tua idea e lavora con noi per trasformarla in un progetto concreto

Il programma in sintesi

Icon Cosa Creators



Icon Cresci Creators

Posti disponibili

Max 8

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Aperte – In corso

Icon Team

Data di partenza

Nuove date disponibili a breve

Il Pilot è un programma di pre-accelerazione della durata di 12 mesi che combina formazione, supporto strategico, tecnologia e servizi per aiutarti a trasformare la tua idea in un progetto concreto.

Dal 2020 attraverso 11 edizioni abbiamo supportato 100+ persone e team motivati a creare progetti di innovazione sociale nel turismo, nella cultura, nello sport e nella divulgazione/formazione

Se pensi che il tuo progetto possa avere un impatto positivo sulla società e sul clima candidati, con il nostro supporto le tue probabilità di successo crescono di 10x


Pilot Program recipe:
how we support your idea

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12 Mesi insieme

Per 12 mesi fai parte della nostra community Pro. Hai tutto il tempo che ti serve, tutti i servizi e il nostro supporto per un anno. Crea prodotti, sbaglia, ripeti, trova la strada giusta. Al termine del primo anno decideremo se continuare a lavorare insieme e in che modo

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Lavoriamo in gruppo

Lavoriamo in gruppo per darti più forza, per darti ritmo e guida e per aiutarti a imparare e crescere più velocemente. Nei primi 4 mesi ci inontriamo 1 volta a settimana, nei successivi 8 una volta al mese

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Zero pensieri

We are a licensed tour operator, we do administration, and we also have our own e-commerce platform for you. So you don't have to think about anything or invest money. You work well with us from day one


Who we are looking for

Icon Cosa Creators



By experiences we mean activities of a few hours or a day, for example, hikes, nature dives, sports activities, workshops, events, discussions, and so on.

We are particularly interested in experiences that manage to condense strong educational and transformative value in a short time

Icon Chi Creators


Happy places

Happy places are the places that transform people. They can be of many kinds, we can think of eco-villages, mountain refuges, educational farms, permaculture farms, all the way to table sports "houses," and so on. A Place can also be understood as a community, a hamlet for example

Icon Cosa Creators



By adventures we mean multi-day experiences, such as walking, hiking, bikepacking, or sailing. We look for adventures that are slow, active, and responsible to places and people, and that can inspire those who experience them to care for the world and themselves.

Icon Diamond Creators



Apical is first and foremost a community of people committed to a more equitable, inclusive and balanced world for all3

You can join our community even if you don't have a clear project right now or if you have something in mind that doesn't fit into the 3 categories

Climate Community Future
Illustrazione Perche Creators

How the program works

Come funziona le selezione dei progetti

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Cosa non ci interessa


Some important things
about our method

What we do in the first 4 months together

Working in groups accelerates learning and builds relationships. Thanks to this method, we are able to work well and quickly together

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Group meeting

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1to1 Meeting

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Slack environment

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Online Resources

What you get by doing the Pilot

Each project has its own story but there are certain benefits that through our experience in 10 editions of the program we know are always worthwhile

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Save time

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You learn a method

Icon Play Before

You can access the Grow with Apical program.

The services we make available to you

We give you everything you need to work well, professionally and safely right away

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Tour Operator License

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Booking platform

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Landing page and site

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Find out the stories of some Pilot Program participants and their opinion of the program



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How do I know if it is the right time to participate in the program?

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Is the Pilot suitable only for new projects or also for mature companies?

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How long does it take to follow the program?

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I am sol*, can I still participate?

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I don't have a VAT number, can I still participate?

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What happens at the end of the program?

Submit your project to us

Fill out the form and tell us about your project in a few words before scheduling a meeting with our team